"75 Years of God's faithfulness"

by shawn carpenter

may 28, 2024

In 1949, a small group of families met together for a Bible study at the Nashua YMCA. During that time, a young couple, William and Katharine Henderson, came up from Gordon Seminary to help facilitate the group. As this group grew, William encouraged them to search for a pastor and launch out as a church. That would happen in the following year, and so began Trinity Baptist Church.

On November 5, 2025, Trinity turns 75. As we prepare for this year, I have often found myself fascinated with that group in 1949 and the Hendersons who supported them. This group was characterized by a humble and hopeful trust in God and a clinging to his word. They would become the charter members of our church. As they gathered, the Hendersons would commute up from Gordon and invest in them.  Not a lot is known about the Hendersons, other than their faithfulness to support this group and to encourage them to launch out.

But think about it: a small investment made in this young gathering led to a church that has continued for 75 years! I think about this often. I think about how we, today, might be that for future generations at Trinity. I want us to feel the significance of what was but also what could be. What a great opportunity for our church.

To help us make the most of this season, we created two important teams: the Trinity75 Committee and the Vision75 Commission. These teams have been meeting for nearly a year, preparing for how we will celebrate 75 years, and envisioning what the next 75 years can be.

The Trinity75 Committee is made up of Dan Anderson, Mike and Loreal Bertini, Shawn Carpenter, Lynda DePasacreta, Heather North, Jackie Riley, and Kristi Stoughton. Carolyn Cogan has also been a tremendous help to our team. This creative and thoughtful group has been planning some wonderful ways we will celebrate God’s faithfulness. And that tagline—celebrating 75 years of God’s faithfulness—is our purpose. Through all the years, the ups and downs, the joys and the sorrows, God has been, is, and will be faithful. It is his faithfulness we want to recognize and celebrate.

Launching this celebration of God’s faithfulness will be the Hall of History. In the main auditorium, the hall toward the mothers’ room will be slowly filled with 75 frames highlighting Trinity’s history. Beginning on Sunday, June 2, we will add one frame each week for 75 weeks. These frames will capture something from Trinity’s history, from the beginning to our day. As the Hall of History grows each week, please take time to reflect on the faithfulness of God in the history of our church.

But it’s not just the history of our church we want to consider, it is also the future. The Vision75 Commission has been tasked with assessing our facility and proposing a plan forward to address current needs and future ministry possibilities. The Vision75 Commission is made up of Chris Baker, Shawn Carpenter, Paul Guertin, Matt Ide, Charles Rechtsteiner, and Sherri Strickland. This team has been working very hard, behind the scenes, and will continue to do so. The Vision75 Commission final report will go to the Elders and Deacons in early 2025. There is much to consider as we look to address crucial needs that will impact now and beyond. Please pray for wisdom, unity, and clarity as our teams consider this necessary work.

May the months ahead encourage us with God’s faithfulness over the years and for the years to come.

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