adult ministries

Whether you've just graduated from high school, are in your retirement years, or anywhere in between, there's community for you at Trinity.  Join a multi-generational group, enjoy time with others in your specific age or stage - or both!   Our desire is to connect with one another through-out our church family, grow together in faith, and be encouraged to reach out to the community and world around us.    

Life Groups

Church is more than just a Sunday service time; grow in your faith and in relationship with one another in small groups designed to give support, accountability, and encouragement as you walk through life together.

Learn More & See Available Groups >

Young Adults

If you are in college, starting out in your vocation, or otherwise trying to navigate your way after high school, come and build community with other young adults at Trinity.   Events run through the summer!  Check out the link below for details:

Learn More & See Upcoming Events >

Senior Adults

The "Silver & Gold" Senior Adult Group meets weekly year-round on Fridays from 10-11:30am in the Church Lounge to study, pray, and fellowship.  While designed for  ages 60+, we welcome anyone wanting warm fellowship and to grow in their faith.  No sign-up needed; just come join us!

Classes & studies

While many of our studies and classes are on break, we do have a few offerings running through the summer (our regular Sunday 9am classes resumes in September).  All of the groups meet at Trinity unless otherwise noted.  

  • Women's summer Study

    Starting June 23rd, Sundays at 9am (lounge) 

    This summer we will be studying Melissa Spoelstra’s “The Names of God - His Character Revealed,” taking a deeper look at the many insights each Name our God introduces in Scripture purposes to give us.   The study book can be ordered on Amazon or CBD.   Please purchase the study book and complete the first study of “Elohim” (days 1, 2, & 3) before the first meeting.  Absences for vacation plans are always expected with a summer Bible Study , so don’t let that keep you from joining us!

  • Men's summer study

    STARTING JUNE 23RD, SUNDAYS AT 9AM (Fellowship Hall) 

    This June, July, and August we will be taking a look at the themes of unity and diversity as we study Romans 13-15 together.