Classes & studies

All of the groups meet at Trinity unless otherwise noted.  Please contact us if you have questions!

  • Theology Track: The God Who Sends - The Church

    Sundays at 9am (Rm 206) 

    In this third year of our theology track, we will be working through "The God Who Sends."  This Winter, we will spend time digging into knowing the biblical, theological, and practical significance of the Church. We will consider the Church Universal, all of God’s redeemed people from all of time, as well as the Church Local, the gathered people of God in a specific time and place. Hopefully, our study will foster a greater joy and commitment in belonging to the church. 

  • Practical Track: Knowing the Bible Series - Isaiah

    Sundays AT 9AM (RM 201) 

    The Hebrew meaning of Isaiah’s name summarizes his message: The Lord saves. The prophecy of Isaiah alternates between promises of judgment and restoration, continually reminding us of the magnitude of humanity’s sin, the judgment that all deserve, and the God who displays his glory by saving sinners.  This 12-week practical study series through Isaiah highlights the gospel of grace, connects passages to the overarching story of redemption, and has much opportunity for deeper reflection and engaging with the material.  You can access the study online for free or order it if you prefer a hard copy.

  • Women's Class: Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin

    Sundays at 9am (Lounge)

    This study on the Sermon on the Mount will navigate the three chapters in Matthew as one cohesive, well-ordered message that is intended to challenge us to think differently about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. This class will dig into the most in-depth sermon Jesus preached and help women better grasp how a follower Jesus thinks, speaks, and acts.  Please order your study book before the start of the class (if you need any help getting a book, please see Elizabeth Forney).

  • Community Bible Study

    Tuesdays from 7-8pm

    We are partnering with Community Bible Study (CBS) in providing two CBS groups at Trinity.  The missions of CBS is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible study available to all.  There will be a men's group and a women's group meeting on Tuesday nights.  For more info on CBS, including how to join one of these groups, visit their website.

  • "Building your Marriage to last"

    Sundays from 6:30-8pm (Renner room - lower level office)

    This winter we are going through a marriage Bible Study from the FamilyLife series, The Art of Marriage Connect: "Building a Marriage to Last" by Dennis Rainey.  During this seven-week study, "you’ll learn to accept your spouse as a uniquely designed gift from God, how to recognize when you’re drifting apart and how to work together to close the distance" (  Registration is closed; please contact us with questions about future Marriage and Family Ministry offerings.